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Feature flags

The serde crate defines some Cargo features to enable using Serde in a variety of freestanding environments.

Building Serde with default-features = false, you will receive a stock no_std Serde with no support for any of the collection types.

--feature derive

Provide derive macros for the Serialize and Deserialize traits.

This is behind a feature because the derive macro implementation takes some extra time to compile.

--feature std

This feature is enabled by default.

Provide impls for common standard library types like Vec<T> and HashMap<K, V>. Requires a dependency on the Rust standard library.

See no-std support for details.

--feature unstable

Provide impls for types that require unstable functionality. For tracking and discussion of unstable functionality please refer to serde-rs/serde#812.

--features alloc

Provide impls for types in the Rust core allocation and collections library including String, Box<T>, Vec<T>, and Cow<T>. This is a subset of std but may be enabled without depending on all of std.

Requires a dependency on the core allocation library.

See no-std support for details.

--features rc

Opt into impls for Rc<T> and Arc<T>. Serializing and deserializing these types does not preserve identity and may result in multiple copies of the same data. Be sure that this is what you want before enabling this feature.

Serializing a data structure containing reference-counted pointers will serialize a copy of the inner value of the pointer each time a pointer is referenced within the data structure. Serialization will not attempt to deduplicate these repeated data.

Deserializing a data structure containing reference-counted pointers will not attempt to deduplicate references to the same data. Every deserialized pointer will end up with a strong count of 1.