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Serde data model

The Serde data model is the API by which data structures and data formats interact. You can think of it as Serde's type system.

In code, the serialization half of the Serde data model is defined by the [Serializer] trait and the deserialization half is defined by the [Deserializer] trait. These are a way of mapping every Rust data structure into one of 29 possible types. Each method of the Serializer trait corresponds to one of the types of the data model.

When serializing a data structure to some format, the [Serialize] implementation for the data structure is responsible for mapping the data structure into the Serde data model by invoking exactly one of the Serializer methods, while the Serializer implementation for the data format is responsible for mapping the Serde data model into the intended output representation.

When deserializing a data structure from some format, the [Deserialize] implementation for the data structure is responsible for mapping the data structure into the Serde data model by passing to the Deserializer a [Visitor] implementation that can receive the various types of the data model, while the Deserializer implementation for the data format is responsible for mapping the input data into the Serde data model by invoking exactly one of the Visitor methods.


The Serde data model is a simplified form of Rust's type system. It consists of the following 29 types:

  • 14 primitive types
  • bool
  • i8, i16, i32, i64, i128
  • u8, u16, u32, u64, u128
  • f32, f64
  • char
  • string
  • UTF-8 bytes with a length and no null terminator. May contain 0-bytes.
  • When serializing, all strings are handled equally. When deserializing, there are three flavors of strings: transient, owned, and borrowed. This distinction is explained in Understanding deserializer lifetimes and is a key way that Serde enabled efficient zero-copy deserialization.
  • byte array - [u8]
  • Similar to strings, during deserialization byte arrays can be transient, owned, or borrowed.
  • option
  • Either none or some value.
  • unit
  • The type of () in Rust. It represents an anonymous value containing no data.
  • unit_struct
  • For example struct Unit or PhantomData<T>. It represents a named value containing no data.
  • unit_variant
  • For example the E::A and E::B in enum E { A, B }.
  • newtype_struct
  • For example struct Millimeters(u8).
  • newtype_variant
  • For example the E::N in enum E { N(u8) }.
  • seq
  • A variably sized heterogeneous sequence of values, for example Vec<T> or HashSet<T>. When serializing, the length may or may not be known before iterating through all the data. When deserializing, the length is determined by looking at the serialized data. Note that a homogeneous Rust collection like vec![Value::Bool(true), Value::Char('c')] may serialize as a heterogeneous Serde seq, in this case containing a Serde bool followed by a Serde char.
  • tuple
  • A statically sized heterogeneous sequence of values for which the length will be known at deserialization time without looking at the serialized data, for example (u8,) or (String, u64, Vec<T>) or [u64; 10].
  • tuple_struct
  • A named tuple, for example struct Rgb(u8, u8, u8).
  • tuple_variant
  • For example the E::T in enum E { T(u8, u8) }.
  • map
  • A variably sized heterogeneous key-value pairing, for example BTreeMap<K, V>. When serializing, the length may or may not be known before iterating through all the entries. When deserializing, the length is determined by looking at the serialized data.
  • struct
  • A statically sized heterogeneous key-value pairing in which the keys are compile-time constant strings and will be known at deserialization time without looking at the serialized data, for example struct S { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8 }.
  • struct_variant
  • For example the E::S in enum E { S { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8 } }.

Mapping into the data model

In the case of most Rust types, their mapping into the Serde data model is straightforward. For example the Rust bool type corresponds to Serde's bool type. The Rust tuple struct Rgb(u8, u8, u8) corresponds to Serde's tuple struct type.

But there is no fundamental reason that these mappings need to be straightforward. The [Serialize] and [Deserialize] traits can perform any mapping between Rust type and Serde data model that is appropriate for the use case.

As an example, consider Rust's [std::ffi::OsString] type. This type represents a platform-native string. On Unix systems they are arbitrary non-zero bytes and on Windows systems they are arbitrary non-zero 16-bit values. It may seem natural to map OsString into the Serde data model as one of the following types:

  • As a Serde string. Unfortunately serialization would be brittle because an OsString is not guaranteed to be representable in UTF-8 and deserialization would be brittle because Serde strings are allowed to contain 0-bytes.
  • As a Serde byte array. This fixes both problem with using string, but now if we serialize an OsString on Unix and deserialize it on Windows we end up with the wrong string.

Instead the Serialize and Deserialize impls for OsString map into the Serde data model by treating OsString as a Serde enum. Effectively it acts as though OsString were defined as the following type, even though this does not match its definition on any individual platform.

# #![allow(dead_code)]
enum OsString {
    // and other platforms
# fn main() {}

The flexibility around mapping into the Serde data model is profound and powerful. When implementing Serialize and Deserialize, be aware of the broader context of your type that may make the most instinctive mapping not the best choice.