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Implementing Serialize

The [Serialize] trait looks like this:

# use serde::Serializer;
pub trait Serialize {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer;
# fn main() {}

This method's job is to take your type (&self) and map it into the Serde data model by invoking exactly one of the methods on the given [Serializer].

In most cases Serde's derive is able to generate an appropriate implementation of Serialize for structs and enums defined in your crate. Should you need to customize the serialization behavior for a type in a way that derive does not support, you can implement Serialize yourself.

Serializing a primitive

As the simplest example, here is the builtin Serialize impl for the primitive i32.

# use std::os::raw::c_int as ActualI32;
# use serde::{Serialize, Serializer};
# #[allow(dead_code, non_camel_case_types)]
# struct i32;
# trait Serialize2 {
#     fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
#     where
#         S: Serializer;
# }
impl Serialize for i32 {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
#         impl Serialize2 for ActualI32 {
#             fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
#             where
#                 S: Serializer,
#             {
#             }
#         }
#         _ = serializer;
#         unimplemented!()
# fn main() {}

Serde provides such impls for all of Rust's primitive types so you are not responsible for implementing them yourself, but serialize_i32 and similar methods may be useful if you have a type that needs to be represented as a primitive in its serialized form. For example you could serialize a C-like enum as a primitive number.

Serializing a sequence or map

Compound types follow a three-step process of init, elements, end.

# use std::marker::PhantomData;
# struct Vec<T>(PhantomData<T>);
# impl<T> Vec<T> {
#     fn len(&self) -> usize {
#         unimplemented!()
#     }
# }
# impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a Vec<T> {
#     type Item = &'a T;
#     type IntoIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a T>>;
#     fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
#         unimplemented!()
#     }
# }
# struct MyMap<K, V>(PhantomData<K>, PhantomData<V>);
# impl<K, V> MyMap<K, V> {
#     fn len(&self) -> usize {
#         unimplemented!()
#     }
# }
# impl<'a, K, V> IntoIterator for &'a MyMap<K, V> {
#     type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);
#     type IntoIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'a K, &'a V)>>;
#     fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
#         unimplemented!()
#     }
# }
use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer, SerializeSeq, SerializeMap};

impl<T> Serialize for Vec<T>
    T: Serialize,
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(self.len()))?;
        for e in self {

impl<K, V> Serialize for MyMap<K, V>
    K: Serialize,
    V: Serialize,
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        let mut map = serializer.serialize_map(Some(self.len()))?;
        for (k, v) in self {
            map.serialize_entry(k, v)?;
# fn main() {}

Serializing a tuple

The serialize_tuple method is a lot like serialize_seq. The distinction Serde makes is that serialize_tuple is for sequences where the length does not need to be serialized because it will be known at deserialization time. The usual examples are Rust tuples and arrays. In non-self-describing formats a Vec<T> needs to be serialized with its length in order to be able to deserialize a Vec<T> back out. But a [T; 16] can be serialized using serialize_tuple because the length will be known at deserialization time without looking at the serialized bytes.

Serializing a struct

Serde distinguishes between four types of structs. Ordinary structs and tuple structs follow the three-step process of init, elements, end just like a sequence or map. Newtype structs and unit structs are more like primitives.

# #![allow(dead_code)]
// An ordinary struct. Use three-step process:
//   1. serialize_struct
//   2. serialize_field
//   3. end
struct Color {
    r: u8,
    g: u8,
    b: u8,

// A tuple struct. Use three-step process:
//   1. serialize_tuple_struct
//   2. serialize_field
//   3. end
struct Point2D(f64, f64);

// A newtype struct. Use serialize_newtype_struct.
struct Inches(u64);

// A unit struct. Use serialize_unit_struct.
struct Instance;
# fn main() {}

Structs and maps may look similar in some formats, including JSON. The distinction Serde makes is that structs have keys that are compile-time constant strings and will be known at deserialization time without looking at the serialized data. This condition enables some data formats to handle structs much more efficiently and compactly than maps.

Data formats are encouraged to treat newtype structs as insignificant wrappers around the inner value, serializing just the inner value. See for example JSON's treatment of newtype structs.

# #![allow(dead_code)]
use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer, SerializeStruct};

struct Color {
    r: u8,
    g: u8,
    b: u8,

impl Serialize for Color {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        // 3 is the number of fields in the struct.
        let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("Color", 3)?;
        state.serialize_field("r", &self.r)?;
        state.serialize_field("g", &self.g)?;
        state.serialize_field("b", &self.b)?;
# fn main() {}

Serializing an enum

Serializing enum variants is very similar to serializing structs.

# #[allow(dead_code)]
enum E {
    // Use three-step process:
    //   1. serialize_struct_variant
    //   2. serialize_field
    //   3. end
    Color { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8 },

    // Use three-step process:
    //   1. serialize_tuple_variant
    //   2. serialize_field
    //   3. end
    Point2D(f64, f64),

    // Use serialize_newtype_variant.

    // Use serialize_unit_variant.
# fn main() {}

Other special cases

There are two more special cases that are part of the Serializer trait.

There is a method serialize_bytes which serializes a &[u8]. Some formats treat bytes like any other seq, but some formats are able to serialize bytes more compactly. Currently Serde does not use serialize_bytes in the Serialize impl for &[u8] or Vec<u8> but once specialization lands in stable Rust we will begin using it. For now the [serde_bytes] crate can be used to enable efficient handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8> through serialize_bytes.

Finally, serialize_some and serialize_none correspond to Option::Some and Option::None. Users tend to have different expectations around the Option enum compared to other enums. Serde JSON will serialize Option::None as null and Option::Some as just the contained value.