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Variant attributes

  • #[serde(rename = "name")] {#rename}

Serialize and deserialize this variant with the given name instead of its Rust name.

Allows specifying independent names for serialization vs deserialization:

  • #[serde(rename(serialize = "ser_name"))]
  • #[serde(rename(deserialize = "de_name"))]
  • #[serde(rename(serialize = "ser_name", deserialize = "de_name"))]

  • #[serde(alias = "name")] {#alias}

Deserialize this variant from the given name or from its Rust name. May be repeated to specify multiple possible names for the same variant.

  • #[serde(rename_all = "...")] {#rename_all}

Rename all the fields of this struct variant according to the given case convention. The possible values are "lowercase", "UPPERCASE", "PascalCase", "camelCase", "snake_case", "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE", "kebab-case", "SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE".

Allows specifying independent cases for serialization vs deserialization:

  • #[serde(rename_all(serialize = "..."))]
  • #[serde(rename_all(deserialize = "..."))]
  • #[serde(rename_all(serialize = "...", deserialize = "..."))]

  • #[serde(skip)] {#skip}

Never serialize or deserialize this variant.

  • #[serde(skip_serializing)] {#skip_serializing}

Never serialize this variant. Trying to serialize this variant is treated as an error.

  • #[serde(skip_deserializing)] {#skip_deserializing}

Never deserialize this variant.

  • #[serde(serialize_with = "path")] {#serialize_with}

Serialize this variant using a function that is different from its implementation of Serialize. The given function must be callable as fn<S>(&FIELD0, &FIELD1, ..., S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer, although it may also be generic over the FIELD{n} types. Variants used with serialize_with are not required to be able to derive Serialize.

FIELD{n} exists for every field of the variant. So a unit variant has just the S argument, and tuple/struct variants have an argument for every field.

  • #[serde(deserialize_with = "path")] {#deserialize_with}

Deserialize this variant using a function that is different from its implementation of Deserialize. The given function must be callable as fn<'de, D>(D) -> Result<FIELDS, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>, although it may also be generic over the elements of FIELDS. Variants used with deserialize_with are not required be able to derive Deserialize.

FIELDS is a tuple of all fields of the variant. A unit variant will have () as its FIELDS type.

  • #[serde(with = "module")] {#with}

Combination of serialize_with and deserialize_with. Serde will use $module::serialize as the serialize_with function and $module::deserialize as the deserialize_with function.

  • #[serde(bound = "T: MyTrait")] {#bound}

Where-clause for the Serialize and/or Deserialize impls. This replaces any trait bounds inferred by Serde for the current variant.

Allows specifying independent bounds for serialization vs deserialization:

  • #[serde(bound(serialize = "T: MySerTrait"))]
  • #[serde(bound(deserialize = "T: MyDeTrait"))]
  • #[serde(bound(serialize = "T: MySerTrait", deserialize = "T: MyDeTrait"))]

  • #[serde(borrow)] and #[serde(borrow = "'a + 'b + ...")] {#borrow}

Borrow data for this field from the deserializer by using zero-copy deserialization. See this example. Only allowed on a newtype variant (a tuple variant with only one field).

  • #[serde(other)] {#other}

Deserialize this variant if the enum tag is anything other than the tag of one of the other variants in this enum. Only allowed on a unit variant inside of an internally tagged or adjacently tagged enum.

For example if we have an internally tagged enum with serde(tag = "variant") containing variants A, B, and Unknown marked serde(other), the Unknown variant would be deserialized any time the "variant" field of the input is neither "A" nor "B".